Supported Databases

This section provides information about the source database types supported by the IPT

Supported default databases

The IPT can use database connections to import data from tables or views. Currently the following databases are supported out of the box:

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • Sybase

Adding new JDBC drivers

若您的 IPT 安裝在如 Tomcat 的 servlet 容器中,您可將 JDBC 驅動程式加到 IPT 中。這樣您可支援不同的資料庫,或者變更既有資料庫類型的連線設定。

下列步驟假設您透過 exploded 方式部署 IPT,亦即在應用程式伺服器的 webapps 資料夾中有一個 ipt (或您的任何命名)資料夾。此 IPT 必須先停止以便加入驅動程式。

Add JDBC driver JAR to classpath

First get hold of the JAR file of the driver you want to add, for example download the SQLite jar here:

您得將此 JAR 檔案複製到 webapp 的 classpath 中。最簡單的方式是複製到 ipt/WEB-INF/lib 目錄下。


In order for the IPT to understand which drivers are available and how to construct the JDBC URL for it, we maintain a simple properties file with all the information. Open ipt/WEB-INF/classes/ and inspect the existing entries, for example for PostgreSQL:

# PostgreSQL driver

There are 4 properties that you need to add for each driver. All 4 have to start with the same prefix that you can freely choose without any further meaning:

  • title: The title to be displayed in the IPT for this driver

  • driver: 連線時使用的 Java 驅動程式類別。

  • url: 建立建線 URL 的範本。URL 字串中有兩個從設定中取得的變數:{host}{database}

  • limitType: How to limit the amount of data returned. Possible values are LIMIT, TOP, ROWNUM. This is driver specific.

在上面 PostgreSQL 的範例中,參考PostgreSQL 驅動程式文件,下面的變更將產生加密的連線:


下列範例為 SQLite 驅動程式。這將連結至一檔案,故 URL 範本中不需 {host}

# SQLite driver
# uses files only, so {host} is ignored
# database example on Windows: C:/work/mydatabase.db
# database example on Linux: /home/leo/work/mydatabase.db

Now you can restart the IPT and use the new driver for mapping SQLite data sources.