VectorNet started in May 2014, and is now in its second iteration (2019–2023). VectorNet supports the collection of data on vectors and pathogens in vectors related to both animal and human health. ECDC and EFSA are developing a network of medical and veterinary experts and organisations to maintain a common database on the presence and distribution of vectors and pathogens in vectors across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The network of medical entomologists and public health professionals, already established during the preceding VBORNET project, is being extended to include veterinary entomologists and veterinarians working in the field of vector-borne diseases in Europe and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Basin. The project also provides ad-hoc scientific advice to support ECDC and EFSA with technical questions on vector surveillance and vector-borne diseases in humans and animals. Through the EFSA/ECDC collaboration on the VectorNet project, communication and collaboration between experts and organisations from the medical and veterinary domains will be improved. The project will contribute to improving preparedness and response for vector-borne diseases in the European Union.
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 764,321 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
VectorNet, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Food Safety Authority (2025). VectorNet. Version 1.4. Training Organization. Occurrence dataset.
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Training Organization. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 7a5757c3-58f8-4ff6-9662-32296965a2f3. Training Organization publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Secretariat.
Occurrence; surveillance data; maps; database; vectors; One Health
- Originator
- EU Project
- Metadata Provider
- EU Agency
- Point Of Contact
- Expert Medical Entomology
Geographic Coverage
Europe and the Mediterranean Basin
Bounding Coordinates | South West [-90, -180], North East [90, 180] |
Taxonomic Coverage
Mosquitoes: 2013 present for RVF Mandate: caspius , detritus , pipiens , albopictus , japonicus , vexans , theileri ; 1980 present for species not extracted before: claviger , richiardii , annulata , coluzzii ; 2016 present for all others Culicoides: 1980 present for countries not already covered during VectorNet 2014/18 (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Slovakia and Sweden); 2016 present for all others Ticks: All years for Hyalomma lusitanicum 2016 present for all others Sand flies: All years for langeroni , alexandri , kandelaki , major ; 2016 present for all others Minimum data
Order | Ixodida (Tick) |
Family | Culicidae (Mosquito), Ceratopogonidae (Biting midge) |
Subfamily | Phlebotominae (Sand fly) |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 1980-01-01 / 2024-01-01 |
Project Data
VectorNet started in May 2014, and is now in its second iteration (2019–2023). VectorNet supports the collection of data on vectors and pathogens in vectors related to both animal and human health. ECDC and EFSA are developing a network of medical and veterinary experts and organisations to maintain a common database on the presence and distribution of vectors and pathogens in vectors across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The network of medical entomologists and public health professionals, already established during the preceding VBORNET project, is being extended to include veterinary entomologists and veterinarians working in the field of vector-borne diseases in Europe and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Basin. The project also provides ad-hoc scientific advice to support ECDC and EFSA with technical questions on vector surveillance and vector-borne diseases in humans and animals. Through the EFSA/ECDC collaboration on the VectorNet project, communication and collaboration between experts and organisations from the medical and veterinary domains will be improved. The project will contribute to improving preparedness and response for vector-borne diseases in the European Union.
Title | VectorNet |
Identifier | doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.26.2200666 |
Funding | European Food and Safety Agency (EFSA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Study Area Description | ECDC and EFSA maintain a common database on the presence and distribution of vectors and pathogens in vectors in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, through a network of medical and veterinary experts and organisations. |
Design Description | Within the VectorNet project, vector group leaders (VGLs) coordinate the collection, validation and mapping of data on the distribution of mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies and biting midges (Table 1). Each VGL is responsible for a single vector group. Data are collected from several sources: (i) individual researchers listed in Supplementary Table S1; (ii) published literature using strictly defined search protocols, set out in detail in Supplementary Table S2, which reflect the different sampling methodologies used for each group; (iii) national and regional surveillance databases; and (iv) in 2014–2018, standardised field sampling designed to refine distributions and fill gaps. |
The personnel involved in the project:
- Custodian Steward
Sampling Methods
In late 2020, the VGLs asked the VEN to record publicly funded and reported surveillance activities for each vector group in their country. Information for each polygon was requested on an annual basis for 2015 and 2016, and a monthly timescale for 2017–2019. Surveillance efforts were coded according to sampling methods/effort and species targeted (preamble to Supplementary Figures 1–5). Two sets of maps were produced: one showing the number of calendar months surveyed during 2017–2019 and the other showing the surveillance effort, weighted according to the sampling method used. The VGLs screened these for anomalies and corrected errors. The surveillance activity and vector distribution maps were compared in order to check where surveillance was reported but distributions were not, and vice versa (preamble to Supplementary Figure S6). As surveillance maps are by vector group, while most distribution maps are for single species, the latter were aggregated to identify the polygons where at least 80% of the mapped species within a vector group had data. Finally, and indication of the scientific impact of the online maps was assessed via a non-exhaustive literature search (which is likely to underestimate impact), combining ‘dimensions’ and ‘publish or perish’ software searches using Google Scholar, Web of Science and PubMed with the project names VBORNE, VBORNET and VectorNet as search terms.
Study Extent | Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. |
Method step description:
- Databases: Medline/Pubmed ; Scopus ; Embase ; Google Scholar ; Web of Science (if available to Institution) More specialist institutional databases may also be used such as CORDIS, as well as, dependent on institutional access Other published sources include: Online accessible dedicated web sites such as those maintained by national public and veterinary health institutes and services (examples: https://solidarites et envi ronnement/risques microbiologiques physiques et chimiques/especes nuisibles et parasites/article/cartes de presence du moustique tigre aedes albopictus en france metropolitaine ; knutten en teken ) are checked continually for primary data sources.
Bibliographic Citations
- VectorNet (2023). European network for medical and veterinary entomology. Version 1.3. Training Organization. Occurrence dataset.
Additional Metadata
Alternative Identifiers | 7a5757c3-58f8-4ff6-9662-32296965a2f3 |
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