Checklist of Invasive Plants in Cuba - 2022

Checklist Inventory Thematic
最新版本 published by Test Organization #1 on 5月 27, 2022 Test Organization #1

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This resource presents an updated checklist of invasive alien plants in Cuba based on data gathered during 2017-2022, with other relevant information like vernacular names and invasion pathway. It also include and updated list of those introduced plants which requires surveillance because it could become invasive in the short term, considered as "potentially invasive" in the sense of Regalado et al. (2012).


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Oviedo R, Gonzalez-Oliva L (2022): Checklist of Invasive Plants in Cuba - 2022. v1.3. Test Organization #1. Dataset/Checklist.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Test Organization #1。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 3f5ff247-9e54-4898-b719-5f96b2ef8711。  Test Organization #1 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Secretariat同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Checklist; Inventorythematic; invasive; introduced; pathway


Ramona Oviedo
  • 研究主持人
  • Researcher
IUCN/SSC Cuban Plant Specialist Group
  • +5352387732
Lisbet Gonzalez-Oliva
  • 元數據提供者
  • 作者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • Red List Authority Coordinator
IUCN/SSC Cuban Plant Specialist Group
  • +5352453352
Ramona Oviedo
  • 研究主持人
  • Reseacher
IUCN/SSC Cuban Plant Specialist Group
Luis Gonzalez Torres
  • 連絡人
  • President
IUCN/SSC Cuban Plant Specialist Group



界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [19.746, -84.902], 緯度北界 經度東界 [23.322, -74.158]


Plants identified to species

Kingdom Plantae


起始日期 / 結束日期 2017-11-01 / 2022-04-30


This project try to improve Cuban plant data accessibility for conservation planning, policymaking and decision-making by organizing, consolidating and publishing CubanPSG data assessing biodiversity data user needs training students, partners and stakeholders on data mobilization making CubanPSG data available to the organizations devoted to the preservation of Cuban plant diversity and the public via GBIF and the CubanPSG websites. The project will mobilize data from at least 6,132 species conservation assessments, which include more than 18,800 occurrence records of native species, over 4,000 unpublished and undigitized occurrences of invasive species, and 16,600 unpublished digitized occurrence records from 368 conservation assessments of native species. By publishing the mobilized data through and its own website, the CubanPSG will promote the use the data in conservation planning, policymaking and decision-making through close collaboration with biodiversity stakeholders and other data holders.

計畫名稱 Mobilizing Cuban plant information from the IUCN/SSC Cuban Plant Specialist Group
辨識碼 BID-CA2020-001-NAC
經費來源 This project is funded by the European Union, supported by GBIF funded under the BID programme (Biodiversity Information for Development) - BID-CA2020-001-NAC. Also is co-funded by Planta! - Plantlife Conservation Society.


Lisbet Gonzalez-Oliva
  • 研究主持人
Luis Gonzalez Torres
  • 連絡人
Ramona Oviedo
  • 內容提供者
Alejandro Palmarola
  • 審閱者
María Antonia Castañeira
  • 內容提供者
Enma Torres Roche
  • 內容提供者
Diana Rodríguez-Cala
  • 內容提供者


Update the list of invasive plants in Cuba based on a comprehensive compilation of novel non native plants species behaving as invasive in Cuba. For that were used personal field observations, presence records, recent publications and experts consultation. Introduced plant species considered by us as potentially become invasive in the short-term were also listed and presented as taxa non invasive that should be keep under surveillance.

研究範圍 Archipielago of Cuba, for the last year ( 2017-2022)


  1. Identification of the new invasive plant species in Cuba based on personal field observations, recent literature, consultation to experts, herbaria and specialized taxonomic and invasive databases and compendiums. Update the last version of the checklist, and addition of common names registered, also degree of establishment and invasion pathway both based on information gathered during last 15 years of research distribution and spread of alien invasive plants in Cuba.


  1. Oviedo R, Gonzalez-Oliva L (2015). Lista nacional de especies de plantas invasoras y potencialmente invasoras en la República de Cuba. Bissea 9 (número especial 2): 3-88.
  2. Oviedo R., Herrera P., Caluff M., Regalado L., Ventosa I., Plasencia J. M., Baró I., González P. A., Pérez J., Hechavarría L., Gonzalez-Oliva L., Catasús L., Padrón J., Suárez S. I., Echevarría R., Fuentes I. M., Rosa R., Rodríguez P. O., Bonet W., Villate M., Sánchez N., Begué G., Villaverde R., Chateloin T., Matos J., Gómez R., Acevedo C., Lóriga J., Romero M., Mesa I., Vale A., Leiva A.T., Hernández J. A., Gómez N.E., Toscano B.L., González M. T., Menéndez A., Chávez M. I., Torres M. (2012). Lista Nacional de especies de plantas invasoras y potencialmente invasoras en la República de Cuba - 2011. Bissea 6 (NE 1): 22-96
  3. Regalado L, Gonzalez-Oliva L, Fuentes I, Oviedo R (2012). Las plantas invasoras. Introducción a los conceptos básicos. Bissea 6 (NE 1): 2-21
  4. Gonzalez-Oliva L, Borroto-Páez R, Oviedo Prieto R, Wong L J, Pagad S (2017). Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Cuba. Invasive Species Specialist Group ISSG. Checklist dataset 10.15468/jzyeh0
  5. Oviedo R, Gonzalez-Oliva L (2022) Actualización de la lista de plantas invasoras en Cuba, distribución y rutas de invasión. (under revision)


替代的識別碼 3f5ff247-9e54-4898-b719-5f96b2ef8711