Zooplankton of Surat Metro Rail Phase I

Données d'échantillonnage
Dernière version Publié par Test Organization #1 le févr. 23, 2024 Test Organization #1
Date de publication:
23 février 2024
Publié par:
Test Organization #1
CC-BY 4.0

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A phytoplankton sample was taken near the projected Surat metro rail phase I route. This is the point where the metro rail track crosses the Tapi River, and holding pillars are planned for the region. The conserved sample was delivered to the Environment Research and Monitoring Laboratory at the GEER Foundation in Gandhinagar. The sample was examined using a Leica-made fluorescence microscope.

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Samplingevent; Metro rail; Surat; Zooplankton


Denish Kubavat
  • Créateur
  • Technical Assistant
GEER Foundation, Gandhinagar
  • S/O Kubavat Manhardas
362260 Jhinjhuda
  • 08347014915
Roshan Bhagat
  • Créateur
  • Junior Research Fellow
GEER Foundation, Gandhinagar
  • Near CH0 circle, Indroda Nature Park, PO Sector 7,
382007 Gandhinagar
  • 23977300
R K Sugoor
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Personne De Contact
  • Director
GEER Foundation, Gandhinagar
  • Near CH0 circle Indroda Park, PO Sector 7,
382007 Gandhinagar
  • 23977300
S S Rathore
  • Utilisateur
  • Managing Director
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
  • Block No.1, First Floor, Karmayogi Bhavan, Sector 10/A, Gandhinagar-382010
382010 Gandhinagar
  • +91-79-23248572

Couverture géographique

Surat city is located in Southern part of Gujarat at bank of Tapi River. As per the Biogeographical classification of India, Surat city falls in 4B- Semi Arid zone of India.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [21,079, 72,707], Nord Est [21,19, 72,807]

Couverture taxonomique


Kingdom Chromista, Animalia, Protozoa
Phylum Arthropoda, Ciliophora , Amoebozoa, Foraminifera , Rotifera, Nematoda
Class Globothalamea , Oligotrichea, Copepoda, Globothalamea, Tubothalamea, Tubulinea, Branchiopoda, Eurotatoria , Arachnida
Order Rotaliida, Calanoida, Arcellinida , Ploima, Choreotrichida , Spirillinida, Textulariida, Cyclopoida, Trombidiformes, Anomopoda
Family Tintinnidiidae, Ammoniidae , Hydrachnidia, Ammodiscidae , Cyclopidae, Calanidae , Arcellidae, Centropyxidae, Difflugiidae, Textulariidae , Brachionidae , Moinidae

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2021-12-07 / 2022-05-12

Données sur le projet

Surat metro Phase I project passing through city of Surat, having two corridors (N-W & S-E)has a total length of 40.35 km with 38 stations. Sarthana as elevated section and heads towards Dream City as UG section of 6.47km. Total 20 stations have been proposed along the corridor 1 of which 14 stations are elevated and 6 stations are UG. Second corridor starts from Bhesan and heads towards Saroli, this section is fully elevated. Total 18 stations have been proposed along this corridor

Titre Study of Biodiversity of Ahmedabad Metro Rail project Phase II, Surat Metro Rail project Phase I and its Data Sharing on GBIF Platform
Identifiant Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs , Government of India
Financement Loan from bilateral agencies (AFD & KFW) : 57.35% Government of India & Government of Gujarat(GoI & GoG ): 42.65 %
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Surat is a port city situated on the banks of the Tapi river. The city is located at 21°10′N and 72°50′E. It has an average elevation of 13 meters. The project area is with elevation range of 0m to 30m. The major aquifers in the district are formed by alluvium and Deccan Trap basalt with Tertiary formations occupying a small patch. The land use of 15 km belt on either side of the project corridors has been identified: built-up area is 18.14%, agriculture land 49.45%, Water Bodies 9.67%, Scrub Land 2.94%, River 9.24%, open forest 0.24% and prawn ponds 9.88%. The proposed project corridors fall in Zone III as per revised seismic zoning map of India. Soil in the study area is normal soil and some places its saline soil to alkaline soil. Texture class of the soil is clay and sandy clay loam. The proposed metro alignment is passing through 6m to 18m elevations.

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

The GEER Foundation's RS-GIS unit assisted in locating all the habitats and completing a detailed inventory of each one.

Etendue de l'étude Plankton samples will be collected from the main study area located between Sardar and Pt. Din Dayaal bridges, along the Tapi river. Additionally, samples will also be collected from other aquatic areas in or adjacent to Surat where flocks of Lesser Flamingos have been spotted feeding. It was reported in the literature that Lesser Flamingos primarily feed on plankton.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. A plankton net with a mesh size of 65 microns was used to filter 25 liters of estuarine water. The solid residue, which was not filtered out, was collected in 50 ml centrifuge bottles as a plankton sample. This unfiltered mass, along with around 50 ml of water, was collected and called a plankton sample. Later, the sample was supplemented with 1-2 ml of 4% formaldehyde for preservation. A sample of the estuarine water was collected from the Tapi River estuary area and was mixed with formaldehyde for preservation. The preserved sample was then sent to the Environment Research Monitoring Laboratory at the GEER Foundation in Gandhinagar for further analysis.

Métadonnées additionnelles