Wing Images of Australian Odonata

Occurrence Specimen
最新バージョン 公開されました。 2020年7月16日
No organisation
CC-BY 4.0

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Photographic library of wings of Australian Odonata

This resource is an index to photographs of male and female wings of 207 species of dragonfly and 111 species of damselfly found in Australia. Each image shows a pair of right wings, a scale, an identifying taxonomic name and gender.

These high-resolution images were made by John Tann at the Australian Museum using identified collection material from that museum and other Australian collections. Equipment and method used to create the images are detailed in Tann (2020).

The index has links to the wing image of each specimen and to an image of the original museum specimen.

Tann, John. 2020. Wing images of Australian Odonata. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum XXXX

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この オカレンス(観察データと標本) リソース内のデータは、1 つまたは複数のデータ テーブルとして生物多様性データを共有するための標準化された形式であるダーウィン コア アーカイブ (DwC-A) として公開されています。 コア データ テーブルには、636 レコードが含まれています。

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Tann J (2020): Wing Images of Australian Odonata. v1.4. No organisation. Dataset/Occurrence.



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースは GBIF に登録されていません。


Occurrence; Specimen


リソース データは他の形式で入手可能です。

Wings of Australian Odonata - Volume 1. Anisoptera UTF-8 JPEG
Wings of Australian Odonata - Volume 2. Zygoptera UTF-8 JPEG
Wings of Australian Odonata - Volume 3. Anisoptera fixed scale UTF-8 JPEG
Wings of Australian Odonata - Volume 4. Zygoptera fixed scale UTF-8 JPEG


John Tann
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
  • Research Associate
Australian Museum Research Associate
  • 1 William Street
2010 Sydney
New South Wales



座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-44.84, 110.742], 北 東 [-9.449, 158.203]


These images are of dragonflies and damselflies found in Australia

Order Odonata (Dragonfly)
Suborder Anisoptera (Dragonflies), Zygoptera (Damselflies)


This project has created an openly accessible, high-resolution, photographic library of wings of Australian dragonflies and damselflies, order Odonata.

タイトル Wing Images of Australian Odonata
Study Area Description Both male and female wings of 318 species of Odonata found in Australia have been photographed.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) Wings have been photographed with a specialist set-up using identified museum collection material. In general, both wings were removed from the insect body to produce an image with a minimum of visual artefacts. Each resulting image shows a pair of right wings, a scale, an identifying taxonomic name and gender. Equipment and method used to create the images are detailed in Tann, John. 2020. Wing images of Australian Odonata. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum



In order to create good quality images, wings were removed from most specimens so they could be photographed without artefacts. Dragonflies and damselflies in paper envelopes were preferred to pinned specimens as they were generally cleaner, easier to work with, and required no reconstruction after photographing. Technique A specimen in poor condition, with good wings was selected. Many dragonfly and damselfly specimens in collections have broken bodies, separated abdomens or heads. Working with already-damaged material reduced the impact of this destructive technique. All specimens were registered, with few exceptions, and identification of each specimen was critical. Only one specimen at a time was processed before being returned to its drawer to avoid a mix-up. A whole-of-body photograph of the original specimen with all labels was made before further work, for reference and quality control. Both right wings were surgically removed. Occasionally, due to availability, left wings were used and their images artificially flipped. Both wings were photographed independently using a good quality camera and customised rig. Wings and bodies were returned to their paper envelope. Where pinned specimens were used, the wings were attached to paper points and re-pinned. Occasionally wings were photographed while still attached to the insect body. This was a sub-optimal method, used for rare and special specimens.

Study Extent Specimens of Odoanata held in the Australian and other collections in Australia
Quality Control To ensure final wing images maintained their correct identification, the taxonomic name, according to the Australian Faunal Directory, and gender, male or female, were added to the lower right corner of each image. A whole-of-body photograph of the reference specimen with its registration number is available in this resource.

Method step description:

  1. For details of equipment and method used to create these images see Tann, John. 2020. Wing images of Australian Odonata. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum


コレクション名 Australian Museum Entomology Collection
Parent Collection Identifier
コレクション名 Queensland Museum Entomology
Parent Collection Identifier
コレクション名 Western Australian Museum
Parent Collection Identifier
コレクション名 Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Entomology Collection
コレクション名 Australian National Insect Collection
標本保存方法 Pinned,  Other
Curatorialユニット カウント 318 +/- 1 Species ,  カウント 615 +/- 1 Specimens


  1. Tann, John (2020): Wings of Australian Odonata - Index. figshare. Dataset. 10.6084/m9.figshare.11840013


All images are publicly accessible: 1. On figshare, where images can be viewed individually or downloaded as a series 2. On Flickr, where each wing image is accompanied by its individual caption, other metadata such as specimen location on a map, and a link to collection data. Dragonfly wings: Damselfly wings. 3. On Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia in turn displays wing images on the content page of each Australian dragonfly and damselfly.


This project has created an openly accessible, high-resolution, photographic library of wings of Australian dragonflies and damselflies, order Odonata. The library is an open resource for identification and research.
