Bird eggs from the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago (NMAGTT)

Occurrence Spécimen
Dernière version Publié par Test Organization #1 le avr. 19, 2023 Test Organization #1
Date de publication:
19 avril 2023
Publié par:
Test Organization #1
CC-BY 4.0

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This dataset contains bird eggs from the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The collection is composed of 823 clutches of eggs identified to the level of either species or subspecies. In 2014, the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad & Tobago transferred their off-display natural history specimens to the UWIZM. As a result, these specimens are all stored in the Zoology Room of the UWIZM. The contents of each egg have been removed via a small hole, leaving the preserved and (in most cases) complete eggshell. Little is known about the origins of this collection, but it seems possible that many of the eggs were collected by Sir Charles Belcher & G. D. Smooker and connected to their 1936 publication "Birds of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago".

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Dalrymple A, Sansom A, Rutherford M, Ramnarine J, Deacon A (2023). Bird eggs from the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago (NMAGTT). Version 1.1. Test Organization #1. Occurrence dataset.


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Test Organization #1. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.

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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 4fa48283-4de6-43a4-9048-1330747aaf8a.  Test Organization #1 publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du GBIF Secretariat.


Occurrence; Specimen; Oology; Neotropics; null


Ariel Dalrymple
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
  • Database Assistant
The University of the West Indies
  • The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
St. Augustine
Alex Sansom
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
  • Ornithologist
Mike Rutherford
  • Créateur
  • Curator of Zoology and Anatomy
The University of Glasgow
  • Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland
Jennalee Ramnarine
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Museum Technician
The University of the West Indies Zoology Museum
St. Augustine
Amy Deacon
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Personne De Contact
  • Senior Lecturer in Zoology
The University of the West Indies
  • The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
St. Augustine
Lorraine Johnson
  • Propriétaire
  • Personne De Contact
  • Curator
National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Frederick Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Port of Spain

Couverture géographique

Specimens are mostly from unknown locations. It is likely many are from Trinidad and Tobago, but only a few are confirmed.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [10,717, -61,583], Nord Est [10,717, -61,583]

Couverture taxonomique

This dataset consists of 102 species from 37 families belonging to the Phylum Chordata, Class Aves. Eggs were identified to species and subspecies level.

Family Alcedinidae, Anatidae, Anhingidae, Apodidae, Aramidae, Caprimulgidae, Cardinalidae, Cathartidae, Ciconiidae, Coerebidae, Columbidae, Cotingidae, Cuculidae, Fregatidae, Fringillidae, Furnariidae, Galbulidae, Hirundinidae, Icteridae, Jacanidae, Momotidae, Pandionidae, Parulidae, Pelecanidae, Picidae, Pipridae, Podicipedidae, Psittacidae, Rallidae, Steatornithidae, Strigidae, Thamnophilidae, Thraupidae, Tinamidae, Tyrannidae, Tytonidae, Accipitridae

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 1921-08-01 / 1933-11-01

Données sur le projet

Trinidad and Tobago supports a rich biodiversity, largely thanks to its geographical position as a pair of Caribbean islands situated just 11 km off the coast of South America. However, as a small island developing state, it faces numerous pressures of human development on biodiversity and habitat integrity. Well-functioning natural history collections are key in documenting, monitoring and managing this biodiversity. The project team is keen to build on the progress established during a previous BID regional project, which allowed the University of the West Indies Zoology Museum (UWIZM) to publish more than 21,000 records to GBIF and train a range of stakeholders. This project will mobilize data from the remainder of the UWIZM collection (including an extensive and agriculturally important land arthropod collection containing 45,000 specimens) while forging partnerships with two other national institutions with significant collections. The combined collections of the UWIZM, the National Herbarium of Trinidad and Tobago (NH) and the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago (NMAG) hold more than 100,000 specimens. Each of the three collections will hold greater value if they are available in a consistent format from a single source. This project aims to fill data gaps by digitizing these collections. These datasets will be published on GBIF, making them easily accessible to policy-makers and other stakeholders.

Titre Improving national biodiversity data accessibility in Trinidad and Tobago
Identifiant BID-CA2020-039-NAC
Financement Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) is a multi-year programme funded by the European Union and led by GBIF with the aim of enhancing capacity for effective mobilization and use of biodiversity data in research and policy in the ‘ACP’ nations of sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. More information:

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Amy Deacon
Ariel Dalrymple
  • Créateur
Jennalee Ramnarine
  • Personne De Contact

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Specimens were collected by hand, and were brought to the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago.

Etendue de l'étude Trinidad and Tobago
Contrôle qualité Specimen identifications were checked by UWIZM.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. 1. Specimens in the collection were assessed for existing data (labels, notes on the shell, details in registers, etc) 2. Identifications were confirmed or made using a variety of literature sources (scientific papers, books, online resources) 3. Specimens were photographed and properly stored, then the data was uploaded to the UWIZM Past Perfect database.

Données de collection

Nom de la collection Bird eggs from the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Other

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Catalogue of Life. Accessed 7th June 2022.
  2. Belcher, S. C., & Smooker, G. D. (1936). I.—Birds of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago. Ibis, 78(1), 1-35.

Métadonnées additionnelles