IMA Coral Reef Monitoring Tobago for years 2010 to 2021

Sampling event Specimen
Latest version published by Test Organization #1 on Jan 5, 2023 Test Organization #1

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The long-term coral reef monitoring programme was established by the Institute of Marine Affairs to establish baseline surveys of coral reef health throughout Tobago. Four locations were established in 2010: Buccoo Reef (Outer and Western reef) and Culloden Reef (east and west). Angel Reef was added in 2014, BlackJack Hole was added in 2015 and Flying Reef was added in 2019. Castara, Plymouth, and Charlotteville were added to the monitoring sites in 2016. Sites are monitored for spatial and temporal changes along with associated environmental conditions to understand the reef's response to environmental and anthropogenic impacts.

Data Records

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Institute of Marine Affairs (2022). Coral Reefs of Tobago Species list, Coral Reef Monitoring Programme.


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Test Organization #1. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 7115b00b-4868-4dba-9699-baab2c3a60bf.  Test Organization #1 publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Secretariat.


Occurrence; Coral; Tobago; Reef; Monitoring; Specimen; Coral; Tobago; Reef; Monitoring


Dr Anjani Ganase
  • Originator
  • Research Officer
Institute of Marine Affairs
  • Hilltop Lane
TT0 Chaguaramas
  • +18686344291
Paul Nelson
  • Metadata Provider
  • Point Of Contact
  • Data Officer
Institute of Marine Affairs
  • Hilltop Lane
TT0 Chaguaramas
  • +18683504942

Geographic Coverage

Areas in Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago and, an occurrence at coastal areas AngelReef 209 BlackjackHole 150 BoobyIsland 105 BuccooOuter 258 BuccooWestern 343 Castara 94 CastaraReef 21 CullodenEast 344 CullodenWest 329 FlyingReef 72 Japanese Gardens 16 Plymouth 63 PlymouthReef 22

Bounding Coordinates South West [11.134, -60.847], North East [11.321, -60.498]

Taxonomic Coverage


Kingdom Chromista, Animalia
Phylum Porifera, Ochrophyta, Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa, Demospongiae, Anthozoa, Phaeophyceae
Order Scleractinia, Alcyonacea, Dictyotales, Agelasida, Zoantharia, Verongiida, Haplosclerida, Anthoathecata, Poecilosclerida
Family Faviidae, Milleporidae, Agariciidae, Dictyotaceae, Agelasidae, Crambeidae, Poritidae, Petrosiidae, Montastraeidae, Sphenopidae, Briareidae, Pocilloporidae, Gorgoniidae, Merulinidae, Meandrinidae, Aplysinidae, Anthothelidae, Siderastreidae

Temporal Coverage

Start Date 2014-01-01

Project Data

The long-term coral reef monitoring programme was established by the Institute of Marine Affairs to establish baseline surveys of coral reef health throughout Tobago. Four locations were established in 2010: Buccoo Reef (Outer and Western reef) and Culloden Reef (east and west). Angel Reef was added in 2014, BlackJack Hole was added in 2015 and Flying Reef was added in 2019. Castara, Plymouth, and Charlotteville were added to the monitoring sites in 2016. Sites are monitored for spatial and temporal changes along with associated environmental conditions to understand the reef's response to environmental and anthropogenic impacts.

Title IMA-CoralReefMonitoring-Tobago-2010-2021-ProjectData
Identifier BID-CA2020-004-INS
Funding Government of Trinidad and Tobago
Study Area Description The IMA has ten coral reef monitoring sites geographically spread across Tobago. Sites were broadly selected based on geographical representation across Tobago. Four sites were established in 2010 (Buccoo Western, Buccoo Outer, Culloden East and Culloden West) representing two sites within a marine protected area (Buccoo) and two sites outside (Culloden). Angel Reef was added in 2014, Blackjack Hole in 2015, and Castara, Plymouth, and Charlotteville in 2016. In 2019, the tenth permanent monitoring site was added at Flying Reef along the south coast. At each site, there are ten permanent transects except for Castara reef which has eight transects owing to the limited area. Sites are monitored annually between the months of May – July when the conditions are calmest. All sites are monitored for benthic cover. This dataset provides a list of benthic species identified through this process
Design Description Geographic: Coastal regions in Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago

The personnel involved in the project:

Dr Anjani Ganase
  • Custodian Steward

Sampling Methods

Along each transect, a 1 m2 quadrat was laid over the adjacent reef to the transect at each metre mark, and the photo was taken. A total of ten images per transect were collected per site, giving a total of 100 images per site except for Castara which has 80 images. Benthic percent cover is assessed using the coral point count method. From 2010 to 2018, Coral Point Count (CPC) Programme was used to apply the CPC method. From 2019 to 2021, CPC method was done on CoralNet Platform ( Images were uploaded to the IMA’s CoralNet database and the metadata was inputted. For the image analysis, a virtual quadrat was drawn over the photographed 1m2 quadrat. CoralNet / CPC randomly generated 60 points for each quadrat annotated. CoralNet uses a deep-learning annotation tool where the trained machine using image annotations for previous years automatically annotated points with greater than 75 % confidence. For confidences lower than 75 %, the machine gives taxonomic recommendations to guide the annotators in their identification process. All annotators are experts in the field of coral taxonomy and use guides to assist in identifications. Annotated images were then compiled to give the benthic cover for each of the labels used and exported as a CSV file. Each label is identified down to species where possible and is based on regional standards

Study Extent Tobago, ten sites - Flying Reef, Buccoo Outer Reef, Buccoo Western Reef, Culloden East, Culloden West, Plymouth, Castara, Angel Reef, Blackjack Hole, Booby Island

Method step description:

  1. Image annotations are reviewed annually by the Coral Reef Research Officer

Collection Data

Collection Name Institute of Marine Affairs Coral Reef Monitoring 2010 - 2021

Bibliographic Citations

  1. Alemu I and Clement (2010) Coral Reef Monitoring Programme, Status of the coral reef of Tobago 2010, Institute of Marine Affairs Alemu I and Clement (2011) Coral Reef Monitoring Programme, Status of the coral reef of Tobago 2011, Institute of Marine Affairs Alemu I and Clement (2012) Coral reef monitoring for Tobago, status of the coral reefs of Tobago 2012 and summary report 2010 - 2012, Institute of Marine Affairs Amoroso R (2017) Coral Reef Monitoring For Tobago. Institute of Marine Affairs Ganase (2019) Benthic composition of coral reefs of Tobago in 2019, and a summary report 2010-2019. Institute of Marine Affairs

Additional Metadata


Long-term monitoring of coral reef health

Maintenance Description Annually
Alternative Identifiers 7115b00b-4868-4dba-9699-baab2c3a60bf