RMCA Colonial collections in Megachilidae of Congo

Occurrence Specimen
Versão mais recente published by Test Organization #1 on abr 20, 2022 Test Organization #1
Publication date:
20 de abril de 2022
Published by:
Test Organization #1
CC-BY 4.0

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In the face of taxonomic knowledge gaps in sub-Saharan Africa, the availability of biodiversity data is pressing, especially as extinction risks and conservation needs arise for the sustainability of derived ecosystem services (Rodger et al., 2004; Mkenda et al., 2019). The development of research is therefore dependent on access to basic knowledge that really only exists in the form of collections throughout the world's museums.

The present occurence data and associated catalog is based on collections of Megachilidae historically collected in the Belgian Congo, now the Democratic Republic of Congo. It includes several collecting localities for several specimens kept at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA, Belgium). The collections of the Megachilidae of the RMCA were reorganized by Professor Jean J. Pasteels, who covered the taxonomic revisions until about the 1980s.

We mention here, the collectors and the dates of collection of the specimens. For each of the species, so informed in this catalog, the descriptor is indicated and the taxonomic nomenclature updated to conform to the international standard. This nomenclature is especially inspired by the publication of Trunz et al. (2016), on the classification of the tribe of Megachilini in relation to phylogeny and biogeography. Moreover, the taxa are organized according to public directories (Discover Life and GBIF), the catalog of Afrotropical bees of Coetzer & Eardley (2019) and the key to genera and subgenera of bees of sub-Saharan Africa of Eardley et al. (2009).

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Occurrence (core)

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Como citar

Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

Tshibungu Nkulu A (2022): RMCA Colonial collections in Megachilidae of Congo. v1.1. Test Organization #1. Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt.gbif.org/resource?r=cd_megachilidae_mrac&v=1.1


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O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Test Organization #1. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: 81ba5ef3-7a68-4a11-86ef-7c6dd4834dc6.  Test Organization #1 publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por GBIF Secretariat.


Occurrence; Specimen


Alain Tshibungu Nkulu
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Phd student
Agroecology Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
  • Blvd. du Triomphe, Office : Building NO, Zone O, level 3, room 209
B- 1050 Brussels
Alain Tshibungu
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Phd student
Agroecology Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
  • Blvd. du Triomphe, Office : Building NO, Zone O, level 3, room 209
B- 1050 Brussels
Nicolas Vereecken
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Associate Professor
Agroecology Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
  • Blvd. du Triomphe, Office : Building NO, Zone O, level 3, room 207
B- 1050 Brussels
Alain Pauly
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Entomologist
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
  • Rue Vautier 29
B-1000 Brussels
Didier Van den Spiegel
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Head of "Biological collection and data management" unit
Royal Museum for Central Africa
  • Leuvensesteenweg 13
B- 3080 Tervuren
Mylor Shutcha
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Lab head
Ecology, Ecological Restoration and Landscape; Université de Lubumbashi (UNILU)
  • Route Kasapa, Campus Universitaire de l'UNILU
1825 Lubumbashi

Cobertura Geográfica

All these collections of Megachilidae relate to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Most of them were collected between 1905 and 1960, the year of Congo's political independence. These data are therefore from all 26 provinces through their numerous localities.

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [-90, -180], Norte Leste [90, 180]

Cobertura Taxonômica

Nenhuma descrição disponível

Class Insecta

Metadados Adicionais

Identificadores alternativos 81ba5ef3-7a68-4a11-86ef-7c6dd4834dc6